Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Plans

Now that High School is a thing in the past, I plan on moving on with life. I'm moving out with two friends, and hopefully getting a full time job. Taking my son to the park is a big thing I hope to do. I plan on doing something with my car, probably 20s or 22s. Spending the nice hot summer nights with my roommates, girlfriend and son. I look forward to wake up every morning to find a new list of things to do every day. I mainly want to have fun with family and friends and just enjoy the whole summer.

Favorite Top Ten List

O01 - Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge - vehicles
O02 - Levi Jeans - jeans
O03 - DC Shoes - shoes
O04 - Lil' Wayne - artist
O05 - Saturday's - day
O06 - BlackBerry Storm II - technology
O07 - Cardomain - website
O08 - Subway - place to eat
O09 - Walking Downtown - thing to do
O10 - eBay - place to shop


Today in my Integrated class, we watched a mini clip about '
Chipotle' and how they stand out from other fast food places. 'Chipotle' is one of the few that actually let their products, the pigs, chickens, cows, etc., live freely without any antibiotics and growth drugs. Not until I had became a student of Vanguard did I ever taste 'Chipotle'. I always wondered why the prices were so high. For some time I thought it was another 'Fancy Wanna-be Mexican Place' ran by some white guy. This mini clip kind of explained why prices are a little bit higher then their competitors. Because they spend so much time and space on these animals so they can live freely and enjoy their time living, they are kind of forced to increase the value. This kind of movement is inspiring and should continue on going. It's nice knowing when I bite into another burrito, I'll know what I'm eating and that its all natural. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Superman, My Childhood Hero

Growing up I watched Superman in amazement by how one single guy could keep the world together away from danger. I wanted to be able to fly and beat up the bad guys in the world. Something about making people feel safe was what I wanted to do when I grew up. I guess I could of settled for a cop like every other little boy on the street but, ordinary wasn't something I wanted to be apart of. 

Snacking Successfuly

Snacking is one of my weakness I know not to start. Once I get my hands on a few chips, I want pop to go along with it, then a sandwich to make it a meal. Then I just find myself thinking that was a waste of time. Snacking is fine, as long as you know how to handle it before it goes too far. According to some study, snacks keep your weight and appatetie on lockdown. Drinking lots of water is something I never did before last year. It was during some lecture that Mr. Markos gave that scared me away from drinking pop so much. After that I carry a bottle of water in my car when I'm dehiatdrated at work or school. I soon encouraged my mom to buy less koolaid packets and buy more bottles of water. I seem to find myself less hungry during the day. Don't get me wrong I still make a sandwich after school when I get home. Preparing your own food is on of the other things that can help you in the weight area. Majority of the already prepared snacks are low in vitamins and other important essentaials of being healthy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lee Dewyze At Vanguard

Thinking about 'American Idol' reminds me of some scary movie having Simon being shot. All the hype I had heard about some local town guy making it into the finals at 'American Idol' visiting Mt. Prospect sounded to be honest, kind of dumb. All the stores rushing to make banners and having to drive around Northwest Highway didn't seem like it was necessary. I don't get a parade when I do something good. Walking into school this past friday, it seemed like another long weekend ahead of me. Little did I know later on that day we (Vanguard High School) would be visited by the famous Lee Dewyze. Gathering around and waiting impatiently for him to arrive would soon pay off. From a distance sirens went off, as two police motorcycles approached the Forest View parking lot with a limo following. Sure enough, after minutes of being parked, here came a local town guy who had seem to make his dreams a reality. Vanguard Students rushed to amazement to Lee with hugs and handshakes. I then realized this guy deserved whatever he had planned for him that day. Hard work and patience does pay off. A local 'Joe' like you and I, had made it big time. 

Chuck Norris Joke

They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but there was a problem: It wouldn't take crap from anybody.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Integrated Top Ten List

Today in my integrated class we were told to narrow the top ten things we want to learn this mini tour.  Here is my top ten list from today.

001 Learn about baseball and its rules
002 How to draw better
003 How to understand food labels
004 How long it takes a bullet to reach a mile
005 Who created photoshop
006 Why is the 'Gucci' brand so famous
007 Who originally created emailing
008 How many parts of the brain function during sleep
009 How to paint correctly
010 How to color match