Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today in my Integrated class, we watched a mini clip about '
Chipotle' and how they stand out from other fast food places. 'Chipotle' is one of the few that actually let their products, the pigs, chickens, cows, etc., live freely without any antibiotics and growth drugs. Not until I had became a student of Vanguard did I ever taste 'Chipotle'. I always wondered why the prices were so high. For some time I thought it was another 'Fancy Wanna-be Mexican Place' ran by some white guy. This mini clip kind of explained why prices are a little bit higher then their competitors. Because they spend so much time and space on these animals so they can live freely and enjoy their time living, they are kind of forced to increase the value. This kind of movement is inspiring and should continue on going. It's nice knowing when I bite into another burrito, I'll know what I'm eating and that its all natural. 

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